
As an industry peak body, SIFA seeks to be a key resource for all firearms related research, policy and strategy for the entire Australian firearms industry.

We look to be a respected and essential stakeholder and partner to all governments, regulators, and policymakers seeking advice on firearms policy or legislative matters.

We work to achieve our objectives by demonstrating leadership, transparency, accountability and professionalism.


As a peak industry body, SIFA’s role is to optimise the regulatory and commercial circumstances in which the Australian shooting industry operates. We seek to use evidence-based reasoning and a common-sense approach as we look to make improvements to the complex Australian firearm regulatory regime.

SIFA’s advocacy objectives are:

  • the development of sensible policy and regulation which does not unnecessarily hinder the operation of Australian firearms businesses.
  • to use evidence and facts in promoting firearms policy and public information.
  • to ensure that public safety is upheld in all firearms policy frameworks.
  • to develop and ensure the commercial viability of our industry.


SIFA seeks to educate the public, regulators and political sphere of the vital importance our industry provides to the Australian economy. We look to inform with facts to combat the myths and negative rhetoric around firearms ownership, use and our industry as a whole.

SIFA’s education objectives are:

  • to inform of the benefits our industry provides the Australian economy.
  • educate the individual social, health and cultural benefits our industry provides.
  • proactively participate in industry and community events.
  • develop educational communication tools that can be used by all industry stakeholders.


SIFA undertakes and commissions independent research around the Australian shooting industry that can be utilised in developing and implementing evidence-based policy and promoting our vital Australian industry.

SIFA’s research objectives are:

  • to provide insight on the economic, social and environmental impacts of the Australian shooting industry.
  • to define the full spectrum of Australian shooting industry.
  • to improve accuracy in the public portrayal of the Australian shooting industry and law abiding firearms owners.
  • to inform decision making based on facts and evidence rather than emotive contentions.


The community demands firearms are regulated in a manner that ensures public safety is not negated. SIFA is aware of our responsibility to ensure that the Australian shooting industry knows and understands its obligations to uphold public safety.

SIFA’s safety objectives are:

  • to inform of emerging trends in firearms safety and communicate these to industry.
  • To consult with law makers and develop evidence based policy on firearms safety.
  • to ensure that the Australian shooting industry is aware of their obligations to uphold public safety.
  • to promote the safe and proficient use of firearms.