FedEx / TNT cancels the entire Australian firearms industry risking Australia’s security
The entire Australian firearms industry has been left blindsided and without a secure supply chain after FedEx / TNT cancelled crucial freight solutions for all Australian firearms businesses.
In a simple form letter sent to businesses across Australia, Matt Daniels Managing Director – Sales for FedEx / TNT advised “As we progress with FedEx-TNT integration, we are continuing to align TNT operations and transportation policies to FedEx Express. Effective from 9 August 2021, we will cease the transportation of firearms, weaponry and ammunition in both our Domestic and International networks”.
TNT was recently acquired by FedEx, and despite the Australian firearms industry having had freight contracts with TNT for decades, FedEx has without consultation and without warning cancelled crucial freight solutions for the entire industry, giving businesses less than 30 days to find another solution and prevent the industry from grinding to a halt.
The Shooting Industry Foundation of Australia (SIFA) is also concerned that given foreign owned FedEx / TNT have made this decision without ANY industry consultation, this will have potential ramifications in the supply of products essential for Australia’s security and public safety, as the Australian firearms industry also plays a crucial role in supplying the law enforcement and defence sectors.
James Walsh Executive Officer of SIFA said “It is quite scary that in Australia a foreign owned business can set up shop, become the major industry player and then cancel essential business services to an entire industry that also services government defence and law enforcement contracts crucial to our sovereignty, safety and security.”
Australia’s highly regulated firearms industry was estimated in 2018 to add $2.4 Billion and 19,000 jobs to the Australian economy. This decision by FedEx/TNT could not come at a worse time and will have a disastrous economic impact on the entire Australian firearms industry, including many family-owned retail businesses who are still battling challenging trading conditions and are more reliant than ever on freight services due to the effects of COVID-19. “Ultimately the downturn this will cause will cost Australian jobs at a time when they are needed the most” Walsh said.
This decision also comes after SIFA members were given assurances by FedEx / TNT as recently as March this year that their accounts were not under threat. “Some industry accounts date back 30 years and were assured multiple times that they were secure, then without any warning or consultation they are cancelled by email, giving the entire industry less than 30 days’ notice to develop a new industrywide freight solution. What sort of business treats loyal customers like that?”
This whole situation screams of cancel culture. We are a legitimate Australian industry, yet we are constantly battling for essential business services. We have battled the banks and the insurance companies in the past when they have all tried to de-platform our industry, now it is Australia’s largest provider of freight solutions.” Walsh said.
SIFA calls on FedEx / TNT to do the right thing and work with the Australian firearms industry before their decision has wider impacts on public safety, national security and Australia’s economy.
For further information please contact:
James Walsh – Executive Officer
Shooting Industry Foundation of Australia
M: 0419 933 066