NSW DPI confirms that hunting activities are good for the soul and the economy.
SIFA welcomes another report that only demonstrates further the legitimacy of the hunting and shooting industries. The NSW Department of Primary Industries has just released its annual Performance, Data and Insights Report, which shows that hunting activities have delivered a $1.4 Billion windfall to the NSW economy alone.
The report states “Regulated hunting activities generate a range of social and economic benefits for NSW. In 2019–20, hunters spent an estimated $1,406 million on hunting related activities and products.”
In focusing on the social and cultural benefits of hunting the report also notes “Hunting can also provide extensive social benefits to participants who engage in active outdoor recreation with family and friends, harvest clean organic meat and reconnect with the land and the natural world.”
Other facts highlighted in the report show that the NSW DPI delivered 3160 courses for the year whilst 4134 short video courses were undertaken.
The DPI also gained another 2860 license holders, again demonstrating that hunting activities are only expanding within the state.
Compliance and law enforcement activities remained a priority with 234 ground compliance operations reported and 224 illegal hunting investigations completed.
Congratulations must also be offered to the NSW DPI for their proactive promotion of hunting activities, as they reported attendance at 9 trade shows and sent a whopping 563,367 enewsletters