News Desk

SIFA confirms no changes to powder storage limits in NSW regulation remake


Since July 2021, SIFA has been engaged with SafeWork NSW on remaking the NSW Explosive Regulations.

Of major concern to the NSW shooting industry and licensed shooters, was the initial proposal to limit the amount of propellant powder able to be stored at a private residence without an explosives license, from 12kg per license holder, to 12kg in total.

At the time, SIFA consulted with the department and provided real world context and examples of how this proposal would negatively impact NSW shooters, as well as demonstrating why it was unnecessary.

We are pleased to report that in further consultation this week, NSW SafeWork has confirmed that this proposal has been scrapped, advising that there will be no changes to the limit on powder storage. In a letter sent to SIFA, to circulate to NSW stakeholders, NSW SafeWork states:

As a key stakeholder within the shooting and firearms sector, we acknowledge your interest in the Explosives Regulation remake.

In July 2021, SafeWork NSW undertook public consultation on the Explosives Regulation remake. This included a Regulatory Impact Statement and accompanying proposed Regulation which detailed amendments to the regulatory framework.

This included a proposal to limit the maximum amount of propellant powder that could be stored without an explosives licence to 12kg for single residential address, rather than the existing 12kg per license holder.

SafeWork NSW is now finalising the remake of the Explosives Regulation, with a new Regulation to commence on 1 September 2024. This Regulation amends the regulatory regime to incorporate consequential amendments from the Explosives Amendment Act 2023, as well as minor improvements aimed at modernizing and clarifying the Regulation.

Following feedback received, we can confirm that this proposal is no longer being considered and there are no changes to the existing exemptions in place under section 48 of the Explosives Regulation 2013. That is, the existing limit of 12kg per licence holder will be retained”. 

With the status quo remaining on personal storage limits, now coupled with SIFA’s successful campaign to introduce the Explosives Amendment (Exemptions) Regulation 2022, that exempt transport operators and persons working for transport operators from the licensing and security clearance requirements within the regulations, we are happy to say that this is a significant step in the right direction for the entire NSW shooting industry.

SIFA would like to thank all those, who when called to action, went to the trouble of preparing submissions on the original consultation. It is good to see commonsense prevail.

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