News Desk

SIFA to launch Insight 2022 – Australian shooting industry survey on March 21


We know the Australian shooting industry is a big contributor to the Australian economy and local jobs. The 2019 report commissioned by Senator Bridget McKenzie estimated the Australian shooting industry conservatively adds $2.4 billion to our national GDP and creates around 19,500 local employment opportunities.

Yet apart from this report, what else do we really know?

When SIFA was heavily involved in efforts to find alternative industry freight solutions last year, one of the first and most obvious questions asked by prospective suppliers was “how much does the industry spend on freight each year?”, a question no one could answer with any certainty.

This highlighted a huge issue! Our sector lacks essential industry data, statistics and insights which, in a modern and professional industry, are vitally important to ensure growth and prosperity. 

In an attempt to rectify this, as the professional industry body for the Australian shooting industry, SIFA is proud to announce the launch of a vital initiative commencing on the 21st March 2022.

Insight 2022 – Australian shooting industry survey, is the first of what will be an ongoing annual business survey for our sector.

This SIFA initiative is open to all licensed firearms dealers, importers, wholesalers and manufacturers. If you are engaged in this industry commercially, this survey is your opportunity to have your story added to the national insight, and then be able to use the results to plan and develop your business for the future.

The data that is collected will be presented back to the entire Australian shooting industry which can then be used to:

  • Assist businesses in our industry to grow and plan for the future.
  • Highlight and demonstrate the importance of our industry.
  • Develop industry specific products and services (eg. freight, insurance and banking products)
  • Understand and identify current and emerging issues.
  • Defend the industry from attacks and counter negative stereotypes.
  • Gain valuable industry insights.

We understand that confidentiality and anonymity are a major concern when undertaking an initiative such as this, so to allay any fears and make this survey a success, SIFA has contracted independent Australian market research partner SMR Global to oversee the survey process.

SMR Global is a respected and longstanding market survey company, assisting industry peak bodies (including SIFA) and the business community with quality surveys over the past 35 years. SMR Global will use the services of Action Market Research, a specialist ISO-accredited survey hosting company, to collect the online survey responses under strict conditions of privacy.

The success of this initiative will rely on getting as many responses as possible. SIFA strongly urges all businesses in the Australian shooting industry to take part.

For further information, head to our Insight 2022 page

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