SIFA slams NSW Police Commissioner
The Shooting Industry Foundation of Australia has slammed the NSW Police Commissioner’s recent claim that Australia lacks the programming expertise to deliver a firearms records management database project.
The state’s police commissioner admitted that the NSW Police has failed to complete the Firearms Licensing and Lifecycle Management System (FLLMS) project which would enable real-time tracking of permitting and registration details and replace the cumbersome existing paper-based processes.
“Since 1996, NSW Police has dodged its responsibility to develop technology which is required under the National Firearms Agreement,” says SIFA Executive Officer Rod Drew.
“And despite numerous calls from industry and others to address this ongoing debacle via proper industry consultation, the NSW Firearms Registry continues to operate with the lights off more than two decades after the NFA was implemented,” Mr Drew says.
SIFA is the peak body representing business in defence, law enforcement and civilian markets and works in advocacy, education, research and safety promotion, demonstrating the economic and social value of Australia’s firearms industries.
“SIFA has proven, time and again, our commitment to the safety, security and sovereignty of this wonderful country, working within the regulatory frameworks and adapting to uphold community standards,” Mr Drew says.
“I wish we could say the same of NSW Police, who continue to ignore the NFA and fail to implement key recommendations of the Martin Place Siege Report (2015) because they find managing a technology project on time and on budget a bit too hard,” he says.
“A Police Force that does not have access to real-time, quality data with which to make important informed decisions around firearms licensing, permitting and registration has no claim to be responsive to 21st century threats,” Mr Drew says.
SIFA calls on the NSW Police Minster Troy Grant to establish an immediate and urgent review of the FLLMS project, consultation with industry, and the funding of a technical solution that upholds both the National Firearms Agreement and Martin Place Siege report recommendations.
The Shooting Industry Foundation of Australia was established in 2015 and works for improved engagement between industry and governments at local, state and federal level.
“We are in the business of Australian safety, security and sovereignty. We are trusted to provide essential services and equipment to our soldiers, sailors, aviators and police. We supply Australia’s million licenced firearms holders the arms, apparel and accessories they need to pursue their passions and professions and preserve their cultures,” Mr Drew says.
“And in so being, we are in the business of working with politicians in the ongoing development of sound laws, policies and processes that underpin the stability of this democratic nation,” he says.
SIFA’s public statements and campaigns are rooted in respect for Australian Democracy.
Laura Patterson, SIFA Communications and Research, says Australia’s ongoing stability and prosperity depends on the work of everyday people.
“And we mean genuine, everyday people like the millions affiliated with the Australian firearms industry. These people must have a say in formulation of policy which reflects their aspirations; these people must have a role in decisions that affect their lives,” Mrs Patterson says.