NSW Crime Statistics Raise Questions Around Firearms Regulation Changes.
The latest recorded crime statistics report from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research has been released and the results raise several questions which need to be answered by NSW firearms regulators.
The report highlights increasingly favourable firearms statistics, leading SIFA to question what evidence-based justification exists in NSW, to continue with the seemingly constant increases to regulatory burden for NSW firearm dealers and firearm license holders?
Several statistics around the conveyance of crime with a firearm stand out:
- Robbery with a firearm was down 7.9% (N=110).
- Robbery with a firearm is classed as “statistically insignificant” in all NSW LGA’s.
- Prohibited and regulated weapons offences were down 11.6% (N=14,844).
- Prohibited and regulated weapons offences proceed to court on only 77.5% of occasions.

For regulation to be effective, it must be informed by facts and data, not by feelings or opinion. This simple principle is accepted by all Australian Governments. SIFA is a firm believer in using evidence to not only inform policy development, but also to evaluate if the regulations currently in place are achieving the desired outcomes. View our position statement on data driven policy.
An objective observer can clearly see that these results demonstrate that the current regulations are working, and that this data does not support a case for any increase in regulation. Which leaves us with the very real question; exactly what problem are they trying to fix with this constant urge to meddle?